X-press Window Tinting Armorcoat Insures Privacy and Provides Safety
Your home is more than just a place for possessions. Which is exactly why it’s worth protecting from anything and everything that can do it harm – accidental or not. Specially designed to hold shattered glass in place, Armorcoat does more than just protect you and your family from flying shards, it also provides a deterrent barrier against burglary, earthquakes and storm damage – giving you peace of mind that you, your loved ones and your valuables are safe and protected.
Protection From Theft and Intruders
To a thief, a broken window is an open door to the valuables locked inside. Your electronics, jewelry, merchandise and other costly possessions can all be gone in a matter of minutes after a criminal gains entry. Armorcoat helps eliminate a burglar’s easiest access route – a broken window. By making a window more difficult to shatter and holding the broken glass firmly within the window frame after breaking, illegal access is much more difficult and less likely to occur.
Protects Your Home From the Hazards of Broken Glass
X-press Window Tinting Armorcoat is one of the most affordable, effective and attractiveapproaches to window safety. Something as simple as a baseball can have a devastating effect on windows and glass, putting your family in danger. That’s why so many home owners rely on the protection provided by Armorcoat safety window films. Armorcoat is a thick, barrier film that bonds to the inside of windows, reinforcing glass and helping to hold it safely in place upon impact. The window may still break, but the film safely contains the shards of glass.
Provides Window Safety for Natural Disaster Protection
Windows are your home’s most vulnerable area, once broken during a severe storm or earthquake, you can experience severe property damage. X-press Window Tinting Armorcoat safety window film helps hold broken glass in place in the event of breakage. Once your windows are broken, anyone or anything inside can fall victim to harsh weather and damage resulting from exposure. Also, X-press Window Tinting Armorcoat protects people and furnishings from the dangerous airborne shards that cause a majority of injury and damage during and after the storm.